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Mentoring & Coaching

Mentoring vs Coaching

Mentoring in the workplace and mentoring people who are in addiction, homeless, or what we tend to call broken is very different. Mentoring people into life restoration is a combination of moral support, giving feedback, asking questions, training, and thought provocking discussion. A Life Coach asks questions of a client in order to guide them into a self-discovery and clarity about their identity and purpose that leads to goal setting, and action steps. At times, a Mentor works in a very similar space as a life coach. This is typically after the mentee has broken free from addictions, experienced some healing from their past, and is ready to look forward free from the bulk of their baggage.


Do You Desire to be Mentored or Coached?

The Radical Life Transformation Training and Mentoring Program was written by Wayne as they had homeless, addicted, and broken individuals that they brought into their home. The breakfast table and the time after the evening meal became gathering times to have very authentic conversations about where people were and what needed to change for them to have a different life. Those notes that started casual and random became intentional and tested. Today, Radical Life consists of the following Modules: Foundations of Bondage and Transformation, Spiritual Formation, Breaking Free from Addiction, Healing My Past, Developing My New Life Plan, and Life Skill Refreshers. Radical Life works with groups of people who are wanting to experience radical transformation to be restored and re-integrated into regular society. Radical Life has a goal to train 1,000 Mentors, individuals with a passion to heal and restore people. For more info on the Radical Life Program, click here.

Wayne and Donna both Mentor individuals themselves who are really ready to make serious life changes. To inquire about being mentored one on one, click here.

Wayne and Donna are both Certified Life Coaches and are available by appointment to do life coaching for interested clients. To inquire about a Life Coaching appointment, click here.