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Radical Life

Our Mission

Bring people together to discover who God is as their Heavenly Father and who they are in relationship to Him. Helping individuals to personally experience the love, grace, mercy, and peace of God. Healing the whole man spiritually, emotionally, socially, and with practical life skills. Transformation so radical that anyone knowing their before and after would not believe they were the same person.

Are you broken, lost, addicted, traumatized, or even homeless?

Our Radical Life Transformation Program is designed to help you heal and recover from all kinds of pain and trauma from your past, any addictions, and the self-imprisonment of negative thinking and self-limiting thoughts that keep you from being who you were designed to be, and even the despair and isolation of homelessness.  It doesn’t matter if you are white collar, homeless, or anything in between, the Radical Life Transformation Program is a safe place to be honest with yourself and learn to be transparent with others while you rediscover who you really are.

The Radical Life Transformation Program, was born and developed out of working with the many people in addiction and homelessness that Wayne and Donna Heins have taken into their own home to mentor, help heal them, and personally disciple them so they would be free from addiction, know God as their Heavenly Father, be healed from their past, start a new life plan, regain lost life skills, and be re-acclimated back into regular society with a continuing support network.

Radical Life Transformation as Mentor Training

Over time, people began to take part in Radical Life Transformation in order to be equipped to mentor other individuals out of their brokenness into restoration. Radical Life meetings became a way to make sure they were fully healed and able to connect and be empathetic with the individuals that God had put in their particular paths. Our goal, in addition to healing and restoring every broken person who desires to be whole again, is to raise up 1,000 qualified and activated mentors through the Radical Life Transformation Program and our associated podcasts.

How Does It Work?

In the Radical Life Transformation Program, you will participate in a two-hour session each week. We begin with a meet and greet time with some snacks, followed by a large group teaching and training time, and it concludes a small group discussion. You will have a Program Mentor who will guide you through the Program and help hold you accountable on your transformation walk. There are reading assignments and introspection questions to answer each week as homework, along with journaling your personal transformation. This walk will be life transformative in every way, but it will not always be easy. What will you get out of Radical Life Transformation? If you put in the time and the effort, you will get a new life and a new outlook on life. We can’t tell you it will be easy, but the one thing we can assure you is that it will be worth it when you experience a new you, free from all the bondage of the past and free to live life as Father God intended you to live.

What is My Next Step?

If you want to live radically transformed life, or you want to mentor others to live a radically transformed life, fill out the Enroll me form and one of our Radical Life Mentoring Staff will contact you, talk with you about what you want of Radical Life Transformation, and discuss your enrollment. After that, we will see you on your first night of participation in your journey to discover that new you.

Wayne and Donna Heins

Pastors, Life Coaches, and Transformation Mentors
Radical Life Transformation Training and Mentoring Program